Members of the Press: Please stop fluffing up interviews and articles with links to unauthorized uploads in YouTube and SoundCloud. It is unhelpful to me, pandering to your readers (in effect constructing the impatience for text-based content you fear they have), and reveals your own lack of research into your subject. For more reasons why, read this. If you still insist on inserting audio clips, click on the Soundfiles link accessible through the left navigation bar on every page of this website, tell your web designer to "View Source" and link in the relevant MP3 files. If you still have questions, contact me.
terre thaemlitz & comatonse recordings album reviews
Albums are grouped under release artist name.
DJ Sprinkles (a.k.a. Terre Thaemlitz)
G.R.R.L. (a.k.a. Terre Thaemlitz)
K-S.H.E (Kami-Sakunobe House Explosion) (a.k.a. Terre Thaemlitz)
Lee, Johnathan F.
Thaemlitz, Terre
Web (Bill Laswell & Terre Thaemlitz)
Yesterday's Heroes (Haco & Terre Thaemlitz)
dj sprinkles gayest tits & greyest shits
1998-2017 12-inches & one-offs
ゲイエスト・ティッツ&グレイエスト・シッツ (2021)

Album des Monats: Mai 2021, Groove (DE).
Listed in Die 10 besten Compilations des Jahres 2021, Groove (DE).
- In Groove (DE) (German) review Von Die Redaktion, Kristoffer Cornils. June 2 2021 ("Album des Monats: Mai 2021"), and December 27 2021 ("Die 10 besten Compilations des Jahres 2021").
dj sprinkles midtown 120 blues
ミッドタウン120ブルーズ (2008)

DJ Koze: "I really love the Dj Sprinkles album. It's pure beauty! A very unique masterpiece which let me thinks of the wonderful music of
Larry Heard, Brian Eno and William Shattler. For me it's a timeless masterpiece!! Especially track 3 and track 9 are touching my heart... can't wait to have the vinyl!"
★★★★★ (5 of 5 stars) from Cisco Music (Japan), August 2008.
★★★★★★★★★☆ (9 of 10 stars) from Music Magazine (Japan), October 2008.
Dont Rhine (Ultra-red) 2008 Year-end Round Up "DJ Sprinkles" Artist of the Year, Album ranked #2 (after Grace Jones).
Listed #3 Album of the Year 2008 in Little White Earbuds.
★★★★★ (5 of 5 stars) from Electronic Beats, January 2009.
Listed #2 in Pete Chambers (Resident Advistor) Top 10 Albums 2008.
Juno Records (UK) Top 10 Bestseller of the Week, February 1 2009 (ranked #9).
"Midtown 120 Blues" listed in Fact Magazine Tracks of the Week, February 20-27 2009.
Holger Klein (Spex): "The world's first discourse house album."
Listed #1 Album of 2009 in Resident Advisor staff poll.
Listed #14 Album of 2009 in Boomkat (UK).
Listed #17 Album of 2009 in Fact Magazine (UK).
Listed #24 Die 50 besten elektronischen Alben der letzten 25 Jahre in Groove Magazine (DE), December 2013.
Ranked #19 Highest Rated Album on Discogs (as of November 2013). To view the album's current ranking, click here.
- In Groove (DE) (German, English) Groove staff poll, interview by Sascha Uhlig. November/December 2013, Issue 145.
- In BoingBoing (US) blurb by David Pescovitz. January 8 2010.
- In San Francisco Bay Guardian (US) article by Brandon Bussolini. January 6 2010.
- In Little White Earbuds (US) Top 10 Albums of 2009. December 21 2009.
- In Resident Advisor (Australia) Top 20 Albums of 2009 Poll. December 16 2009.
- In Clubberia (Japan) (日本語) podcast & review by Anonymous. December 1 2009.
- In Boomkat (UK: review by Anonymous. December 2009.
- In Fact Magazine (UK) review by Kiran Sande, Top 40 Albums of 2009. December 2009.
- In Minorités (France) (French) article by Pierre-Jean Chiarelli. December 2009.
- In Inaudible (Canada) review by Matthew Gerard Leslie. July 19 2009.
- In Tokafi (Germany) review by Tobias Fischer. June 8 2009.
- In MNML SSGS (Australia) review by Cameron Eeles. May 17 2009.
- In XLR8R (US) Article by Ken Taylor. May 5 2009.
- In De:Bug (Germany) "Sisters, I Don't Know What This World Is Coming To" EP review by Finn Johannsen. May 2009.
- In Textura (Canada) review of remix track on VA: Enjoy the Silence by Ron Schepper. April 2009.
- In Spex (Germany) (German) review by Holger Klein. Issue 319, March 2009.
- In Release Magazine (Belgium) (Dutch) review by Mario De Block. March 2009.
- In Fact Magazine (UK) review by Randy St Germain, Tracks of the Week. February 19 2009.
- In Sputnik Music review by Daniel Incognito. February 7 2009.
- In Dusted Magazine (US) review by Bernardo Rondeau. February 5 2009.
- In The Wire (UK) review by Joe Muggs. Issue 300, February 2009.
- In Resident Advisor (Australia) review by Cameron Eeles. January 26 2009.
- In Ondarock (Italy) (Italian) review by Fabio Russo. January 11 2009.
- In Straight No Chaser (UK) interview by Amar Patel. January 2009.
- In Blow Up (Italy) (Italian, English) review by Stefano I. Bianchi, Issue 128 January 6 2009.
- In Berlinista (Germany) review by Ricardo F. January 3 2009.
- In Resident Advisor (Australia) discussed in 2008 Year in Review by Philip Sherburne & Peter Chambers. January 1 2009.
- In Electronic Beats (Germany) review by Gareth Owen January 2009.
- In Little White Earbuds (US) Top Albums of 2008 review by Jon Dale (ranked #3). December 28 2008.
- In Little White Earbuds (US) review by Steve Mizek December 10 2008.
- In review by Tim F. November 13 2008.
- In Music Magazine (Japan) (日本語) review by Mitsuhiko Terashita. October 2008, p.169.
- In InRed (Japan) (日本語) review by Kenichi Aono. October 2008, No.68, p.235.
- In Resident Advisor (Australia) review by anonymous. September 5 2008.
- In Newtone Records (Japan) (日本語) review by Saitou. August 9 2008.
- In Cisco Records (Japan) (日本語) review by anonymous. August 9 2008.
- In Disk Union (Japan) (日本語) review by anonymous. August 9 2008.
- In Greatest Hits Records (Japan) (日本語) review by anonymous. August 9 2008.
- In HMV Records (Japan) (日本語) review by anonymous. August 9 2008.
- In Bounce (Tower Records Japan) (日本語) review by Yasuhiro Ishida. Issue 301 August 2008.
- In Oops! Music Community (Japan) (日本語) review by 編三木. July 30 2008.
- In Mental Position (Japan) review by Polo. July 29 2008.
- In Clubberia (Japan) (日本語) review by anonymous. July 24 2008.
dj sprinkles where dancefloors stand still
ダンスフロアが凍てつくとき (2013)

★★★★★ (4.5 of 5 stars) from Resident Advisor, March 2013.
g.r.r.l. g.r.r.l.
ガール (1997)

Charted in The Wire "Office Ambiance", September 1997.
- In SK Rave (Czech, English) review by Jan Hubacek. October 1998.
- In Queer Zine Explosion review by Laurence Roberts. No. 15, Spring 1998.
- In Angbase review by Carlos Pozo. Issue 2, Spring, 1998.
- In Keyboard review by Jim Aikin. February, 1998.
- In Machina (Polish) review by Stawek Pekala. February 1998.
- In Bits & Bytes, AOL MTV-Online Interview by David Pescovitz. January, 1998.
- In Urban Sounds review by Sean Cooper. December 1997.
- In Feedback Monitor Playlist review by Greg Clow. December 1997.
- In Impact Press review by Anonymous. December/January 1997-98.
- In Nestor Publications (Russian) review by Anatoly Kiryushkin., Issue 48, December 1997.
- In Wire review by Louise Gray. Issue 165, November 1997.
- In Fader (日本語) review by Atsushi Sasaki. Issue 1, September 1997.
- In Zavtone (日本語, English) review by Syncoo. Ver. 5.0, September 1997.
- In Wire Discussed in article by Robin Rimbaud. Issue 163 September 1997.
- In Oculus review by Tim Appnell. August 1997.
- In URB review by Aran Parillo. July 1997.
k-s.h.e routes not roots
ルーツではなくルート (2006)

Reviews for Des Routes Sans Racines (2010) French re-issue on Skylax combined with reviews of original release on Comatonse Recordings. Vinyl EP reviews are in the 12" reviews section.
★★★★★ (5 of 5 stars) from Resident Advisor (Australia/Germany), April 2011.
- In Zeit Online (German) review of Skylax re-issue by Matthias Schönebäumer. April 20 2011.
- In Resident Advisor review of Skylax re-issue by Andrew Ryce. April 6 2011.
- In Expatriarch review of Skylax re-issue by Andrew Ryce. March 28 2011.
- In review by Anonymous. June 2006.
- In e|I review by I. Khider. Final Issue, May 2006.
- In Grooves (US), review by Ron Schepper. March 2006.
- In Skylarking (Japan), (日本語) review by Ura. March 2006.
- In (Tower Records, Japan), (日本語) review by Reiko Takahashi. February 2006.
- In Cisco House (Japan), (日本語) anonymous review. February 2006.
johnathan f. lee dislocated
ディスローケイテッド (2010)

Johnathan F. Lee's debut full-length album released March 26 2010 on Comatonse Recordings, cat. no. C.019.
★★★★★ (5 of 5 stars) from Electronique (Italy), March 2010.
- In Blow-Up (Italian) interview by Leandro Pisano. Issue #149, October 2010.
- In Blow-Up (Italian) review by I. Bianchi. Issue #144, May 2010.
- In Resident Advisor review by Anonymous. April 12 2010.
- In Electronique review by Liquid. March 2010.
terre thaemlitz couture cosmetique
クチュール・コスメティック (1997)

- In Queer Zine Explosion (Polish) review by Laurence Roberts. No. 15, Spring 1998.
- In Machina review by Stawek Pekala. February 1998.
- In Seconds review by Steven Blush. Issue 45, January 1998.
- In Wire Discussed in article by Louise Gray. Issue 167, January 1998.
- In Forced Exposure overview by Anonymous. January, 1998.
- In Urban Sounds review by Sean Cooper. December 1997.
- In Wire review by Louise Gray. Issue 165, November 1997.
- In Fader (日本語) review by Atsushi Sasaki. Issue 1, September 1997.
- In All Music Guide review by Sean Cooper. Miller Freeman Pub. 1997.
- In Buzz Electronische Lebensaspecte (German) review by Trav. Issue 1, July, 1997.
- In Groove (German) review by JD. Spring/Summer 1997.
terre thaemlitz dead stock archive
売れ残り品アーカイブ(全主) (2009)

- In Groove (Germany), review by Holger Klein. May 2009.
- In Electronic Beats (Germany), review by Gareth Owen. March 17 2009.
- In Resident Advisor (Australia), review by Peter Chambers. March 13 2009.
- In ヒアホン (日本語) interview by 佐々木敦. Vol.1, March 3 2009.
- In LucidForge (Canada), review by Lisa M. Knapp. February 21 2009.
- In BoingBoing (US), review by David Pescovitz. February 12 2009.
terre thaemlitz die roboter rubato
ディーロボタールバト (1997)

- In Spin Interview by Jeff Salamon for article on Kraftwerk. August 1998.
- In The Village Voice review of live performance by Kyle Gann. Vol. XLIII No. 12, March 24 1998.
- In Forced Exposure Overview by Anonymous. January, 1998.
- In Wire Discussed in article by Robin Rimbaud. Issue 163, September 1997.
- In The Village Voice review as part of article by Kyle Gann. June 24 1997.
- In All Music Guide review by Sean Cooper. Miller Freeman Pub. 1997.
- In Zitty [Berlin] (German)review by Martin Pesch. #10 May 1997.
- In URB review by Judson Kilpatrick. Issue 163, September 1997.
- In Wire review by Mike Barnes & Letter by Eliza Noh. January & February 1997.
terre thaemlitz fagjazz
ファッグジャズ (2000)

Charted in The Wire Top Compilations of 2000, January 2001. Charted by Yoshihito Horino at Flower Records, May and August 2000. Charted in LA Weekly, "Music to Win Friends and Influence People With," November 17-23, 2000.
- In Angbase review by Carlos Pozo. July 24 2001, Issue No. 6.
- In The Wire review by Ian Penman. April 2001, Issue No. 206.
- In XLR8R review by Margaret Murray. December 2000, Issue No. 46.
- In The Advocate article/review by Margaret Coble. December 19, 2000.
- In Spex (German) review by Christopher Strunz. December 2000.
- In DMR review by Sam Labelle. December 2000.
terre thaemlitz & jane dowe institutional collaborative
制度上の共同 (1998)

- In The Wire review by Rob Young. December 1998, Issue 178.
- In The Wire The Wire Tapper 2 CD Track Guide. November 1998, Issue 177.
- In Datacide review by Flint Michigan. No. 5, 1998.
- In Motion anonymous review. No. 5, 1998.
- In Spex (German) review by Diedrich Diederichsen. October 1998, Issue 10/98.
- In Urban Sounds review by Sean Cooper. October 1998.
terre thaemlitz interstices
インタースティシーズ:(名詞)隙間 (2000)

- In The Wire review of DVD by Ken Hollings. Issue 267, May 2006.
- In review by Anonymous. June 23, 2001.
- In The Wire review by Ian Penman. April 2001, Issue No. 206.
- In Popkomm (German) review by Martin Böttcher. January 2001.
- In Groove (German) review by Phillip Sollmann. December 2000.
- In Pulse review by Marc Weidenbaum. December 2000.
- In XLR8R review by Margaret Murray. December 2000, Issue No. 46.
- In Spex (German) review by Christopher Strunz. December 2000.
- In Intro (German) review by Thomas Venker. November 2 2000.
terre thaemlitz & laurence rassel the laurence rassel show
ザ・ローレンス・ラッセル・ショー (2007)

Reviews for the Useless Movement EP are in the 12& reviews section.
Charted in The Wire "Office Ambiance", June 2007.
Streamed on, July 2007.
Excerpts featured on Radio Arthur, August 17 2008.
terre thaemlitz love for sale:
taking stock in our pride
ラヴフォーセール (1999)

Charted in the Art Metropole Top Ten by Andrew Zealley, May 2005.
Charted in The Wire "Office Ambiance", November 1998.
terre thaemlitz lovebomb
愛の爆弾 (2003)

Five-star rating in DeBug, March 2003.
Charted in KXLU Headspace Ten, March 3 2003.
Charted in KXLU Headspace Ten, March 10 2003.
Charted in The Wire Antiopic 15, June 2003.
- In The Wire review of DVD by Ken Hollings. Issue 267, May 2006.
- In XTRA! West review of live performance by Micheal Harris. October 13, 2005.
- In The Wire review of live performance by Ben Borthwick. Issue 240, February 2004.
- In Fader (日本語) review of video by Atsushi Sasaki. Winter 2003.
- In Springerin (German, English) discussion of video and cd by Nicolas Siepen. Band IX Heft 4, Winter 2003.
- In Dusted Magazine (US) review by I. Khider. November 25 2003.
- In The Wire review of video by Ken Hollings. Issue 235, September 2003.
- In review by Anonymous. June 2003.
- In The Wire review by Anne Hilde Neset. Issue 232, June 2003.
- In Grooves review by Ron Schepper. May 2003.
- In Pitchfork (US), review by Mark Richardson. May 23 2003.
- In Skug (German) article by Heinrich Deisl. Issue 54, März/Mai 2003.
- In Skug (German) review by Heinrich Deisl. Issue 54, März/Mai 2003.
- In Sound & Recording (日本語) review by Susumu Kunisaki. April 2003.
- In Remix (日本語) review by Toshihiro Okamoto. No. 142, April 2003.
- In Exclaim! review by I. Khider. March 26 2003.
- In The Chicago Maroon review by Yoshi Salaverry. March 4 2003.
- In e|I review by Tobias C. Van Veen. Issue 1, March 2003.
- In DeBug (German, English) interview by Aljoscha Wescott. March 2003.
- In DeBug (German) review by Bleed. March 2003.
- In Intro (German) interview about cover art by Sonja Eismann. February 19 2003.
- In Vital Weekly review by TJ Norris. Issue 360, February 19 2003.
terre thaemlitz means from an end
ミーンズフロムアンエンド (1998)

Charted in The Wire playlists for two consecutive months: - Office Ambiance, January 1998 - Spinadisc 10, February 1998.
Charted in The Wire Top 50 Albums of 1998, January 1999.
Charted in The Wire Top Electronica Albums of 1998, January 1999.
Charted in The Ambientrance Official 1998 Top 10, January 1999.
- In Sounding Art essay by Katharine Norman. 2004.
- In AmbiEntrance review by David J. Opdyke. May 1998.
- In Intro review by Roger Waltz. March 29 1998.
- In Urban Sounds review by Sean Cooper. Volume 1, Issue 2, March 1998.
- In Wire review by Chris Sharp. Issue 169, March 1998.
- In Machina (Polish) review by Stawek Pekala. February 1998.
- In Forced Exposure Overview by Anonymous. January, 1998.
- In Monster Mo's Music Page review by Monster Mo. January, 1998.
- In Wire Discussed in article by Robin Rimbaud. Issue 163 September 1997.
terre thaemlitz oh, no! it's rubato
オー・ノー!イッツ・ルバト (2003)

Charted in The Wire "Wire Sound System Hotlist", August 28, 2001.
Listed in The Advocate "2001 Holiday Gift Guide," November 20, 2001.
- In Grooves Magazine review by John Gibson. 2002.
- In The Advocate review by Margaret Coble. November 20, 2001.
- In Tower Records' Musee (日本語) November 2001, Issue No. 34.
- In Aquarius Records List review by Anonymous. November 2001.
- In Intro (German) review by Thomas Venker. October 8 2001.
- In The Wire review by Peter Shapiro. October 2001, Issue 212.
terre thaemlitz replicas rubato
レプリカルバト (1997)

Charted twice in The Wire: - "Borderline 15," Doubleissue 190/191, New Year 2000 - "Beautiful 15," September 2000
- In XLR8R review by Ron Nachmann. Issue No. 39, 2000.
- In Grooves review by Sean Portnoy, Editor. Issue No. 3, 2000.
- In Auf Abwegen: Magazin für Musik und Kultur (German) review by Zipo. Sommer 00, No. 29.
- In Bi ...the way review by Benjamin Iglar-Mobley. Spring 2000, No. 20.
- In Geheime Pop Visionen (German) review of live performance by Christian Höller. Band V Heft 4, December 1999/January 2000.
- In Fader (日本語) review by Atsushi Sasaki. 1999, Vol.004.
- In Alternative Press review by Jason Pettigrew. December, 1999.
- In The Wire review by Rob Young, Editor. September 1999, No. 187.
- In Die Tageszeitung (German) review by Martin Pesch. September 3, 1999.
terre thaemlitz soil
ソイル (1995)

- In All Music Guide review by Sean Cooper. Miller Freeman Pub. 1997.
- In AmbiEntrance review by David J. Opdyke. September 14 1997.
- In Huh Discussed in article by Judson Kilpatrick. December 1995.
- In Spin review by Ramsay. November 1995.
- In Alternative Press review by Bryan Reesman. Vol. 10, No. 88, November 1995.
- In XLR8R review by AS. Issue #18, 1995.
- In Massive review by Anonymous. Issue #10, September/October 1995.
- In Retina review by LG Concannon (a.k.a. LoveGrove). Issue #8, September/October 1995.
- In Resonance review by Lawrence Halff. Issue #4, August 1995.
- In Tunnel review by Kush Arora. Issue #1, 1995.
terre thaemlitz soulnessless
「ソウルネスレス」ー魂の完全なる不在ー (2012)

★★★★★★★★★★ (10 of 10 stars) from (Italy), May 2012.
★★★★☆ (4 of 5 stars) from Resident Advisor (Australia), December 2012.
Listed #1 2012 Editor's Pick by Max Dax from Electronic Beats (Germany), December 2012.
Listed 2012 Editor's Pick by A.J. Samuels from Electronic Beats (Germany), December 2012.
Listed #1 Album of 2012 in Arbetaren (Sweden), December 20 2012.
Listed #43 Boomkat Top 100 Albums 2012.
Listed #1 Album of 2012 by Will Long (Celer) in A Closer Listen, December 26, 2012.
- In Electronic Beats (DE), review of live performance by D. Strauss, February 2 2013.
- In Berliner Zeitung (DE) (Deutsch) review of live performance by Jens Balzer, February 1 2013.
- In Le Beau Vice (FR) (Français) review of exhibition by Élizabeth Libovice, January 27 2013.
- In Electronic Beats (DE), 2012 Editor's Picks by Max Dax and A.J. Samuels, December 22 & 26 2012.
- In Boomkat (UK), Top 100 Albums 2012. December 23 2012.
- In Arbetaren (SE), (Swedish) top albums of 2012 by Lisa Carlsson, Rebecka Kärde, Daniel Lindvall & Fredrik Edin. December 20 2012.
- In Klassekampen (NO), (Norwegian) article by Martin Bjørnersen. December 10 2012.
- In Resident Advisor (AU), (English, 日本語) review by Todd L. Burns. December 3 2012.
- In Electronic Beats (DE), review by Chris Bohn. Issue 30, Summer 2012.
- In MNML SSGS (Australia/Japan), review by Chris. June 25 2012.
- In The Quietus (UK), review & interview by Ryan Alexander Diduck. June 20 2012.
- In Spex (DE), (German) review by Finn Johannsen. July/August 2012.
- In Blow-Up (IT), (Italian) review by Stefano I. Bianchi. Issue 169, June 2012.
- In Electronique (IT:, (Italian) review by Ivo D'Antoni. May 2012.
- In The Wire (UK), review by Clive Bell. June 2012.
- In Halcyonline (US:, performance review by Albert Freeman. June 2011.
- In Kaleidoscope (Italy), interview by Francesco Tenaglia. March 15 2011.
- In Porto Público (UK:, critical analysis by Carla. May 3 2010.
terre thaemlitz tranquilizer
トランクィライザー (1994)

- In Wire Discussed in article by Robin Rimbaud. Issue 163 September 1997.
- In Metagrooves review by Anonymous. 1984.
- In Trip review by Peter Wohelski (a.k.a. DJ Orion). V16.0, September 1994.
- In KZSU Radio Add List review by Anonymous. Stanford, October 1994.
- In Independent Music Reviews #10 review by Elliott Smith., November 1994.
- In Keyboard review by Robert L. Doerschuk. October 1994.
terre thaemlitz trans-sister radio
トランズ・シスター・ラジオ (2005)

Top 5 finalist for the Karl Sczuka Preis 2005.
Charted in The Wire Office Ambiance, February 2006, Issue 264.
- In Free! Magazine (Finland) and, "Short-One-Page-Comics" review of CD by Marte. November 19 2006.
- In The Wire (UK), review of CD by Rob Young. Issue 266, April 2006.
- In The Wire (UK), review of CD by Rob Young. Issue 266, April 2006.
- In Sands-Zine (Italy), (Italian, English) review of CD by Salvatore Borrelli. January 17, 2006.
- In Igloo Magazine (US), interview about CD by T.J. Norris. January 11, 2006.
- In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), (German) review of radio broadcast by Frank Kaspar. November 17 2004.
- In Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), (German) review of radio broadcast by Jutta Heess. November 17 2004.
terre thaemlitz you? again?
ユー?アゲーン? (2006)

Reviews for You? Again? EP's 1, 2 & 3 (2006 Mule Electronic) are in the 12& reviews section.
web (bill laswell & terre thaemlitz) web
ウェブ (1995)

- In Intro (German) review by Carsten Sandkämper. May 5 1995.
yesterday's heroes (haco & terre thaemlitz) 1979
1979年 (2004)

zeitkratzer electronics
エレクトロニクス (2009)

Tokafi Album of the Month, January 2009.
- In Tokafi (Germany:, review by Tobias Fischer. January 1 2009.
zeitkratzer super-superbonus
超スーパーボーナス (2002)

Charted in The Wire Office Ambience, January 2003, Issue 227.
Five-star rating in DeBug, February 2003.