Members of the Press: Please stop fluffing up interviews and articles with links to unauthorized uploads in YouTube and SoundCloud. It is unhelpful to me, pandering to your readers (in effect constructing the impatience for text-based content you fear they have), and reveals your own lack of research into your subject. For more reasons why, read this. If you still insist on inserting audio clips, click on the Soundfiles link accessible through the left navigation bar on every page of this website, tell your web designer to "View Source" and link in the relevant MP3 files. If you still have questions, contact me.
terre thaemlitz & comatonse recordings remix reviews
Remixes are grouped by original artist name.
holger czukay & u-she la premiere
ラ・プレミエー (2003)
- In The Wire review by Ken Hollings. Issue 242, April 2004.
claude debussy prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
牧神の午後への前奏曲 (2003)
- In Skug (German) review by Thomas Ballhausen. June 15 2003.
ducktails letter of intent
同意書 (2013)
golden palominos gun/little suicides
ガン/リトルスイサイド (1994)
hall & oates hold on to yourself
ホルド・オン・テュー・ユアーセルフ (1996)
- In Urb review by Tamara Palmer. Vol. 8 No. 59, May/June 1998.
juzu a.k.a. moochy morning grow
モーニンググロー (2006)

material eternal drift
イターナルドリフト (1994)
- In Retina, review by LG Concannon. Issue No. 4, January/February 1995.
- In Arizona Daily Wildcat, review by Noah Lopez. February 7, 1995.
material/w.m. burroughs soulkiller
ソウルキラー (1997)
- In Wire. Discussed in article by Robin Rimbaud. Issue 163 September 1997.
m.t. a.k.a. bayaka spherical
スフェリカル (1998)
- In Remix (日本語) Issue #86, August 1998.
parallax beat brothers exhalation/autek
エクスハレーション/オーテック (2008)
