Members of the Press: Please stop fluffing up interviews and articles with links to unauthorized uploads in YouTube and SoundCloud. It is unhelpful to me, pandering to your readers (in effect constructing the impatience for text-based content you fear they have), and reveals your own lack of research into your subject. For more reasons why, read this. If you still insist on inserting audio clips, click on the Soundfiles link accessible through the left navigation bar on every page of this website, tell your web designer to "View Source" and link in the relevant MP3 files. If you still have questions, contact me.
terre thaemlitz & comatonse recordings compilation reviews
Note: Dead Stock Archive / 売れ残り品アーカイブ(全主) (2009), Fagjazz: Comatonse Recordings Super-Best Collection (2000), and DJ Sprinkles: Where Dancefloors Stand Still (2013) reviews grouped with Terre Thaemlitz' full-length album reviews.
v.a. a silence broken
ア・サイレンス・ブローケン (2006)
- In The Wire review by KH. Issue 266, April 2006.
v.a. below code
ベローコード (2003)

- In The Wire review by Clive Bell. Issue 242, April 2004.
- In Fader (日本語) review by Atsushi Sasaki. Winter 2003.
v.a. chillout phase 2
チルアウト・フェーズ2 (1994)
v.a. cloudwatch 1
クラウドワッチ (1997)
- In Option review by Bill Tilland. July/August 1997, No. 75.
v.a. coast2coast: âme
コースト2コースト:âme (2007)
- In Groove (Germany), review by DW. Juli/August 2007, No. 107.
v.a. enjoy the silence
エンジョイザサイレンス (2009)
v.a. modulation & transformation 3
モジュレーション&トランスフォーメーション3 (1998)
- In Wire review by Peter Shapiro. Issue 168, February, 1998.
- In Forced Exposure. Overview by Anonymous. January, 1998.
v.a. modulation & transformation 4
モジュレーション&トランスフォーメーション4 (1999)
- In Pitchfork review by Mark Richardson. February 26 2003.
v.a. plug in & turn on
プラグ・イン・アンド・ターン・オン (1994)
- In URB review by Tamara Palmer. Issue No. 36, June 1994.
- In CMJ review by Scott Frampton. Issue No. 10, March 14, 1994.
v.a. replay debussy
リプレードビュッシー (2002)
- In Skug review by Thomas Ballhausen. (In German) June 15 2003.
v.a. synthetic pleasures vol. 1
シンセティックプレジャース1 (1996)
- In URB review by Tamara Palmer. Issue No. 27, April 1996.
v.a. synthetic pleasures vol. 2
シンセティックプレジャース2 (1996)
- In Option review by Elisabeth Vincentelli. September/October 1997 No. 76.
- In Wire review by Tim Owen. Issue 162, August 1997.
- In Oculus review by Tim Appnell. June/July 1997 No.6.3.
v.a. <untitled> (instinct ambient double vinyl pack)
<不明>(インスティンクトアンビエントWビニールパック) (1994)