In Angbase, Fall 1998, Issue 3.

12" EP 1998
Low velocity sluggish house rhythm and abstract piano lines blend with Buck Rogers' (the TV show - and it's the little foppish robot's 'biddee-biddee' trademark bleat that gets the honor of being sampled) worship for a pretty fun slice of neo-disco trash revivalism and computer enhanced neo-Liberace meets Henry Cowell-ish keyboard stylings. The blurb here (ostensibly fro Terre's pen) might be the most appropriate thing to say: "over 30 minutes of insterstellar boogie." How would this play in a mix with Silver Convention's "Fly Robin Fly" and Hot Gossip's "Starship Trooper"? Well, onlyl those responsible - Lester Fuero and Jeff Hanes - can say for sure. Nice clear blue vinyl and packaging.