Texts from the performance series "Very Fucking Eikaiwa," at Uplink Factory (Tokyo) July 2001-July 2002.
インフォメーション | コース1(Sexuality and Identity) | コース2(Music Workshop)
introduction to sexuality and identity
Course 1 textbook files on this page are intended for download and printing.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Latex Love
Simple talk about safer sex, and preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (S.T.D.).
This class was first held on 2001/07/30 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
プリント・バージョン (A4 250dpi):
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Lesson 2: Introduction to Sexuality
Simple talk about different sexualities such as Heterosexual, Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Queer.
ヘテロセクシュアル、ゲイ、レズビアン、バイセクシュアル、クィア等の異なるセク シュアリティーについての簡単な会話
This class was first held on 2001/08/13 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
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Lesson 3: Introduction to Gender
Simple talk about different genders such as Male, Female, Transsexual, Transgendered and Intersex.
This class was first held on 2001/08/27 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
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Lesson 4: Introduction to Race and Culture
Simple talk about different social identities, including the importance of distinguishing between race and culture.
This class was first held on 2001/09/10 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
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Lesson 5: Introduction to Feminism
Simple talk about women's rights, economic equality, women at home, and special issues for Japanese women.
This class was first held on 2001/09/24 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
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Lesson 6: Introduction to Essentialism and Non-essentialism
Simple talk about identity as something natural versus something learned.
This class was first held on 2001/10/08 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
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Lesson 7: Introduction to Equality and Diversity
Simple talk about seeing all people as equals versus appreciating people's diversity.
すべての人を平等とみなす考え vs 人々の多種多様性を尊重する考えについての簡単な会話
This class was first held on 2001/10/22 at Uplink Factory (Tokyo).
プリント・バージョン (A4 250dpi):
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