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terre thaemlitz lovebomb video
愛の爆弾ビデオ (2005)
Terre Thaemlitz: Interstices + Silent Passability | Region Free NTSC DVD-R Video | Released 2005 | D.000
Complete Video Translation & Bonus Materials
Special hand-made double disc set containing:
- DVD of original and bonus videos
- Audio CD of the original album
- 5 photograph inserts
- 100%バイリンガル(英語/日本語)
100% bi-lingual English/Japanese
Featuring music by Terre Thaemlitz
Taken from the album: Lovebomb/愛の爆弾
Time: 00:74:00 | 2005
Produced by Comatonse Recordings at Meow Studio, Kawasaki 2005.
CD To Video Japanese Adaptation Assistance By Aiko Tsuji. Italian Translation On 6 By Michele Corda. All Phases Of Production By Terre Thaemlitz. Except Visuals For Alternate Videos 14 & 15 Produced By Caspar Stracke. This item replaces VHS tape V.002, originally released by Comatonse Recordings on July 24 2003 [discontinued]. Featuring Audio, Text And Images Originally Released On The CD: Terre Thaemlitz: Lovebomb / 愛の爆弾 (Germany: Mille Plateaux, 2003) MP117 [discontinued].
video stills

01. Welcome (Time Has Left Us)
お帰りなさい(私達は時間に置いてきぼりにされた) |

02. Between Empathy & Sympathy Is Time (Apartheid)
(Excerpt / 抜粋) 1:45 1.4MB MP3 128kB/s

03. SDII

04. SD

05. Lovebomb
ラヴボム |

06. Sintesi Musicale Del Linciaggio Futurista
(Musical Synthesis Of Futurist Lynching)
(未来派の私的制裁の音楽的統合) |

07. Signal Jamming Propaganda (Just Another Fucking Love Song)
(Excerpt / 抜粋) 1:52 1.5MB MP3 128kB/s

08. My Song Of Peace, Friendship, And Solidarity
平和と友情と連帯の我が歌 |

09. Anthropological Interventionism
人類学的干渉主義 |

10. Ai No Bakudan (Between Empathy & Sympathy Is Time)
(Excerpt / 抜粋) 1:45 1:43 1.3MB 128kB/s

11. Love Theme From Ai No Bakudan
(Excerpt / 抜粋) 1:22 1.1MB MP3 128kB/s

12. Welcome (Reprise)
お帰りなさい(反復) |

13. Main Theme From Lovebomb
bonus materials

14. Alternate Video By Caspar Stracke: SDII
キャスパー・ストラックによる:SDII |

15. Alternate Video By Caspar Stracke: My Song Of Peace, Friendship And Solidarity
キャスパー・ストラックによる:平和と友情と連帯の我が歌 |

16. chng yourlove (Audio Only)
Select Screenings & Performances
March 30 "Lovebomb" at Videotage, Hong Kong SAR.
March 12 DJ Sprinkles and "Lovebomb" performance at "Chirality" presented by Nuoolon, Dining Bar Cabaret, Kyoto Japan.
June 17-25 "Lovebomb" video installation at "1-0-1 [one 'o one] Intersex: The Two-Gender-System as a Human Rights Violation," Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin, Germany.
June 25 "Lovebomb" performance at "1-0-1 [one 'o one] Intersex: The Two-Gender-System as a Human Rights Violation," Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin, Germany.
September 24 "Lovebomb" at "Vancouver New Music Festival," Faris Studio, Scotiabank Dance Centre, Vancouver Canada.
February 2 symposium and "Lovebomb" performance at "Club Transmediale," Berlin Germany.
March 27 symposium and "Lovebomb" performance at "Gelebte Bedingungen/Lived Conditions" within the exhibition "Open House," O.K. Centrum für Gegenwartskunst Oberösterreich, Linz Austria.
April 30 "Lovebomb" video screening at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen gGmbH/The 50th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Oberhausen Germany.
May 6 "Deeperama vs. Lovebomb" at Nathan P. Murphy's, Springfield Missouri United States of America.
June 10 solo Australian tour, "Lovebomb" performance at Disorientation, Lanfranchi's Memorial Discotheque, Sydney Australia.
June 12 solo Australian tour, "Lovebomb" performance at Fabrique, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane Australia.
June 18 solo Australian tour, "Lovebomb" performacne at Kaleide Theatre, RMIT, Melbourne Australia.
July 9 "Lovebomb" performance and DJ at "DJ Sprinkles' Deeperama," Module, Tokyo Japan.
August 27 "Lovebomb" video screening at Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig, Köln Germany.
September 11 "Issues of Gender and Electronic Audio Production" lecture with "Interstices" screening, and "Lovebomb" performance at "The Re-Politicisation of Sexual Space in Contemporary Artistic Practices," Arteleku Art Center, San Sebastian Spain.
October 23 "Lovebomb" performance, Rigas Latvia.
October 27 "Lovebomb" performance at "Sensoralia - Romaeuropa Festival," Teatro Palladium Università Roma, Rome Italy.
November 1 "Lovebomb" performance and "Insterstices" screening at "Gender Bender Festival," Bologna Italy.
November 5 "Lovebomb" performance, Meunster Germany.
November 6 "Lovebomb" performance, Köln Germany.
July 3 at Kunstverein, Hamburg Germany.
August 31 at "Very Fucking Eikaiwa," Uplink Factory, Tokyo Japan.
October 7 guest lecture at Musashino Art University, Tokyo Japan.
November 8 at "Indeterminate! Communism International Congress," Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and J.W. Goethe-University, Frankfurt Germany.
November 20 at "Avanto Helsinki Media Art Festival," Helsinki Finland.
November 21 through 22 performance and video screenings at Shedhalle, Zurich Switzerland.
December 4 at Institute for Contemporary Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Austria.
December 6 through 7 symposium and performance at "Mothers of Invention," Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (MUMOK), Vienna Austria.
HiFi-Stereo DVD-R NTSC & PAL
Color (74 Minutes)
CD To Video Japanese Adaptation Assistance By Aiko Tsuji.
Italian Translation On 6 By Michele Corda.
All Phases Of Production By Terre Thaemlitz.
Except Visuals For Alternate Videos 14 & 15 Produced By Caspar Stracke.
This item replaces VHS tape V.002, originally released by Comatonse Recordings on July 24 2003 [discontinued].
Featuring Audio, Text And Images Originally Released On The CD:
Terre Thaemlitz: Lovebomb / 愛の爆弾 (Germany: Mille Plateaux, 2003) MP117 [discontinued]
Release Date: November 27, 2005
©2005, 2001, 1997 Comatonse Recordings
(This item replaces VHS tapes V.000 and V.001 [discontinued].)
Design by Terre Thaemlitz
No fucking-sucking-licking-sticking without latex
Rinse your works with bleach and water
Do not attempt using any part of this product as a safer sex device