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comatonse.000 comatonse.000.r2
コマトンズ000.R2 (2004)
Comatonse.000 (a.k.a. Terre Thaemlitz): Comatonse.000.R2 | 12" Vinyl EP | Released 2004 | C.000.R2
祝10周年!Comatonse Recordingsからあの曲の凄いヴァージョンが!?
'93年衝撃的な歴史的作品であるこの2曲が孤高の芸術家Terre Thaemlitz自身主宰のComatonse Recordingsからリリース。当時JoeやCosmoがまだいたNY/Dance Traxでのヘビープッシュから世界へ飛び火、レーベル10周年を迎えるにあたり初のライブで披露した記念すべき音源を二か所のライブを左右別々のチャンネルで同時に流すという斬新なアイデアを持ってレーベル10周年記念シングルをリリース!微妙なズレが生む洪水のようなピアノを是非体感して下さい!今回オリジナルも収録。
オススメ度 ★★★★★
- Raw Through A Straw 11:02
- Tranquilizer 13:00
- Raw Through A Straw (Double Live) 9:30
Left Channel: Live In The North
Right Channel: Live In The East
- Tranquilizer (Live In The North) 12:50
In 1993, my first record "Comatonse.000" was self-released with no particular hopes or plans.
Much to my surprise, the release gained the attention of select DJ's and collectors, and has become a cult item of sorts.
Given my dislike of live stage performance, it wasn't until ten years later, in 2003, that these tracks were actually performed live for the first time ever.
It took a week of piecing together old computers and hacking old software just to know if it would be possible.
Then, as fate would have it, I was invited by a special friend to perform "Raw Through A Straw" live for a second time just two weeks later.
Given the support "Comatonse.000" and Comatonse Recordings has received in Japan, it only seems right that both performances took place here - first in the North, then in the East.
(While I can't print the names of events or venues here, I'm sure the collectors can figure them out easily enough.)
The 1993 Side of this record contains the original "Comatonse.000" recordings, un-remastered, un-re-anything.
The 2003 Side of this record combines all live recordings of these tracks to date.
Unfortunately, faulty wiring during the taping of the Eastern performance of "Raw Through A Straw" left me with only a recording of the right channel's sound.
Rather than discard the tape, I decided to sync the right channel of the Eastern performance with the left channel from the Northern performance, resulting in the "Double Live" version on this record.
While the "Double Live" version is intended for stereo playback, you can also use the L/R balance control on your stereo to separate the two performances and listen to them one at a time.
"Tranquilizer" was only performed once, in the North.
A little over ten years later and Comatonse Recordings still exists with no particular hopes or plans, just an irregular trickle of music whenever I have something good enough to release - and that's the way I like it.
Many thanks to everyone!
Love, Terre (a.k.a. Comatonse.000)
古いコンピューターをつなぎあわせ、壊れかけた古いソフトウエアと格闘し、その最初のトラックが本当にライブで使える物かを知るためだけで1週間を費やしました。まるで運命のように、ようやく開いた初めてのライブの2週間後、再度「Raw Through A Straw」のライブ演奏を特別な友人から依頼されたのでした。日本における「Comatonse.000」そして「Comatonse Recordings」への支持を考えると、双方のライブが日本で−初めは北で、次は東に−開かれたことはとてもすてきな事に思えます。(コレクターの方々には多分分かってしまうかもしれませんが、あえてここではライブについての詳細(開催地、イベント名など)を書く事はいたしません。)
残念な事に、「Raw Through A Straw」の東でのライブで録音の際に使用したケーブルの不良により、テープには右側のチャンネルしか録音されていませんでした。テープを捨てるくらならと考え、東のライブの右チャンネルと北のライブの左チャンネルをあわせようと思い付きました。そしてできあがったのがこのレコードに収められいる「Double Live」です。「Double live」はステレオでもお楽しみ頂けますが、ステレオの左右のバランスを調整し、左チャンネルと右チャンネルから別々に双方のライブを楽しむ事も出来ます。「Tranquilizer」は1度だけ演奏されました。北のライブでです。
10年と少しを経て、Comatonse Recordingsは未だ夢も計画もないまま存在し続けています。少しずつ、不規則に、もれ出るようにリリースを続けています、リリースするに値するものがあるときだけ・・・・そしてそれが私の好きなやり方なのです。
ラヴ、テ−リ(a.k.a. Comatonse.000) |
Liner notes (a discussion of thematics is in the writings section):
Raw Through a Straw
He is troubled by his oddly displaced excitement
in witnessing the birth of a world
where the only cum safe for his ingestion is his own
Pretty Mouth (He's Got One)
A sudden awkwardness of pause in conversation
rushed to like an inadequate facial expression
or a cheek colliding with open lips
"Emerging from the couds a sixth time
the moon floods the lilac fields with icy blue light"
Suddenly finding herself laying with her neck on the damp soil
peering at the stars through a web of violet thistles
she can't help feeling betrayed by the specificity and banality of the liner notes
Tenth anniversary re-issue of "Comatonse.000" with bonus materials.
Transparent blue vinyl 12" record with 1-color sleeve (silver on chipboard) and 2-color center labels.
A-side recorded at: Meow (Loisaida & Spanish Harlem)
B-side recorded at live performances in Japan.
Produced, mixed and arranged by Terre Thaemlitz
(c)(p) 1993, 1997 T. Thaemlitz (BMI)
Design by Terre Thaemlitz
No fucking-sucking-licking-sticking without latex
Rinse your works with bleach and water
Do not attempt using any part of this product as a safer sex device